Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Alexandra Park - Harness Racing

Last Friday, after the Lou Sang dinner, we adjourned to watch Harness Racing at Alexandra Park which is nearby the restaurant. There's racing on Alexandra Park every Friday.

This was my first time going into a horse racing alley and watching Harness Racing. By the time we arrived there, there's still left about 3 races. There's a total of 10 races on that night. The race start from 8pm till late. However, to avoid the jam, we only watch the third last and second last races.

It was interesting to watch a Harness Racing for the first time. You can choose to watch from the outdoor seating provided or you can stand by the side of the racecourse to watch. There's also another option, whereby you can also watch while dining at the restaurant in Alexandra Park.

One interesting thing that I noticed in this Alexandra Park is that kids are also allowed to be in to watch the races. Of course, they are not allowed for placing any bets.

Before every races, the horses will be parading themselves to all the interested buyers to have a good look at the horses before putting their bets on. Without any knowledge about horses, we did bought a few numbers to try out our luck. On the third last races, we bet on the number 2, 8 and 7. Lady luck was shining on us, and number 7 won the race. The return on the winning wasn't a lot as we just bet on NZD7 on number 7.

It was a very good experience for myself and I enjoyed it a lot.

Alexandra Park

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